Feb 28, 08:25 PM
Two weeks ago the dude was going wide open doing "7 gram rocks" as he admits ... he's bound to be pretty strange acting about now ... especially if he's drug free according to the drug test he did on air.
Overdose or suicide wouldn't surprise me, he hasn't ruled out doing drugs again, actually sounds like he looks forward to it ...
Delusional and having a meltdown for sure, very sad.
Chemicals are bad.
Overdose or suicide wouldn't surprise me, he hasn't ruled out doing drugs again, actually sounds like he looks forward to it ...
Delusional and having a meltdown for sure, very sad.
Chemicals are bad.
Apr 29, 10:21 AM
"Time to press the magic button!" lbro said as he pushed a big blue button in the middle of the wall. chrmjenkins saw his life flash before his eyes. When his life stopped flashing itself in front of him, he saw a beautiful blue planet below. He at first thought it was Earth, but his hopes where soon shattered when lbro started shouting "Mammariea! Mammeriea! We made it on the third try!"
"I'm ever so cheerful to tell you that we are not orbiting the planet of Mammeriea, but the planet of Stupig." jav6454 commented. "Stupig! Take the ship down! I have a score to settle here!" demanded lbro. Down through the clouds the ship went reaching speeds that would have shamed even the fastest falling object. It landed just outside the biggest city, Cornilith.
lbro marched, with his two companions in tow, up to a little shop called Moyank's Strip Sandwich Ship Shop. After waiting in line and paying for some tickets, they soon sat down in a large auditorium. As the lights dimmed, a voice rang out across the darkly lit stage. "Welcome to my humble show and stage! Please enjoy yourselves and feast upon good feasts!"
The lights gradually came back up and revealed Moyank24 sitting on a stool behind a deli bar wearing a butchers outfit. "You there, in the front row! What kind of sandwich do you want?" She went around rows making sandwiches and presenting people with food. lbro was waiting for her to arrive. When she finally did he told her "I'd like the sugar cube that leads me to Mammeriea please." Moyank24 thinking this was a secret code that he had just made up, replied "We don't' have any sugar cubes. In fact, there isn't any sugar any where in this building. What kind of sandwich will you be having today?"
"I'll take peanut butter and jelly please." pipped up chrmjenkins. "PBJ it is." said Moyank24 as she walked back up to the stage to make him a sandwich. lbro, not happy for the lack of the sugar cube, turned to leave chrmjenkins and jav6454 alone in the sea of sandwich eating people. When he was approaching the fifth tot he last step from the exit, a shot rang out across the large room. He spun around to see Moyank24 fall into the orchestra pit, sandwich and tray following her.
Now horrified, he grabbed chrmjenkins and jav6454 and rushed them to the ship. "My sandwich!" exclaimed chrmjenkins. lbro, now very shaken up, decided to let jave6454 press the magic button. The ship vanished on the spot. Causing the indigenous multi legged people to wet all their crotches at once.

Red Hair With Blonde

red hair blonde highlights.

Medium Brown with Ash Blonde

Her hair is a soft brown with

hair dyee Red+and+londe+

dark brown hair with londe

on brown hair. Amy Adams

Long lack hair with splurges

red hair with highlights.

Red Hair with Platinum Blonde

hair with londe streaks

Black Hair With Red Highlights

dirty-londe highlights

Lauren#39;s hair is now a deep

brown hair with red and londe

and super-long locks hair

Coontail streaks are usually
"I'm ever so cheerful to tell you that we are not orbiting the planet of Mammeriea, but the planet of Stupig." jav6454 commented. "Stupig! Take the ship down! I have a score to settle here!" demanded lbro. Down through the clouds the ship went reaching speeds that would have shamed even the fastest falling object. It landed just outside the biggest city, Cornilith.
lbro marched, with his two companions in tow, up to a little shop called Moyank's Strip Sandwich Ship Shop. After waiting in line and paying for some tickets, they soon sat down in a large auditorium. As the lights dimmed, a voice rang out across the darkly lit stage. "Welcome to my humble show and stage! Please enjoy yourselves and feast upon good feasts!"
The lights gradually came back up and revealed Moyank24 sitting on a stool behind a deli bar wearing a butchers outfit. "You there, in the front row! What kind of sandwich do you want?" She went around rows making sandwiches and presenting people with food. lbro was waiting for her to arrive. When she finally did he told her "I'd like the sugar cube that leads me to Mammeriea please." Moyank24 thinking this was a secret code that he had just made up, replied "We don't' have any sugar cubes. In fact, there isn't any sugar any where in this building. What kind of sandwich will you be having today?"
"I'll take peanut butter and jelly please." pipped up chrmjenkins. "PBJ it is." said Moyank24 as she walked back up to the stage to make him a sandwich. lbro, not happy for the lack of the sugar cube, turned to leave chrmjenkins and jav6454 alone in the sea of sandwich eating people. When he was approaching the fifth tot he last step from the exit, a shot rang out across the large room. He spun around to see Moyank24 fall into the orchestra pit, sandwich and tray following her.
Now horrified, he grabbed chrmjenkins and jav6454 and rushed them to the ship. "My sandwich!" exclaimed chrmjenkins. lbro, now very shaken up, decided to let jave6454 press the magic button. The ship vanished on the spot. Causing the indigenous multi legged people to wet all their crotches at once.
Oct 23, 10:43 AM
The new MacBook Air, 11.6'' base model. Going to New York during christmas and will buy there the new Air. Here in The Netherlands it costs 1000 euro, in the USA it's around 700 euro (converted dollar - euro). Difference of 300 euro!

Apr 14, 10:12 PM
I'm a proud owner of a rooted Droid X, waiting for the Bionic to come out, once I saw this, I admit, I was taken with the sexiness of the phone. I'd be willing to get rid of my rooted sweet Android phone for the white. I'm such a nerd.
Hoping this phone has a spec update like the 3GS from 3G, that would be fantastic.
Steve guys are entrepreneurs geniuses.
Hoping this phone has a spec update like the 3GS from 3G, that would be fantastic.
Steve guys are entrepreneurs geniuses.
Oct 28, 07:11 AM
All I want is a real, good friend.
Apr 14, 11:00 AM
You'd have to be a chump to buy a new iPhone now.
Every soccer mom and high school girls rejoices. The White iPhone is coming!
Every soccer mom and high school girls rejoices. The White iPhone is coming!

Apr 30, 06:01 PM
Great! Commoditize an art form and degrade it even further.
It's bad enough we've already hacked music apart by turning it digital, now we're treating it like soda pop. Everything is a bargain bin price war.
It's bad enough we've already hacked music apart by turning it digital, now we're treating it like soda pop. Everything is a bargain bin price war.
May 3, 08:22 AM
To work well it needs to contain all your apps and system files. For most people this means at least 100GB these days. Shockingly when I got my MBP in 2008 I thought a 200 GB drive would do it all for me. That really didn't last long at all.
Out of the factory, all the system files and bundled apps take up about 20GB. I can't imagine many people then install an addition 80GB worth of apps. If you're using up that sort of space, I'm guessing you're storing a fair bit of video.
My own personal setup is 128 GB SSD for current work. Old stuff gets archived to an external 2TB HD. It works for me.
Out of the factory, all the system files and bundled apps take up about 20GB. I can't imagine many people then install an addition 80GB worth of apps. If you're using up that sort of space, I'm guessing you're storing a fair bit of video.
My own personal setup is 128 GB SSD for current work. Old stuff gets archived to an external 2TB HD. It works for me.
Dec 31, 01:44 AM
I don't have a dog in this fight, but the question that runs through my mind is: if it's so easy, why do people struggle with it? Why are there entire industries built around people that struggle with losing weight on their own?
What a lot of people don't know, is that sugar is addictive. It goes the same for coffee and sigarettes. If you need coffee or sigarettes everyday to keep you going, that means you are addicted to caffeine or nicotine. If you are craving for sweets... that means your pancreas is having a hard time keeping your bloodsugarlevel in balance.
If you eat sugar, your bloodsugarlevel shoots up, and your pancreas reacts in a slow motion momentum by producing insuline to cope with that. So even when the sugar is already out of your blood, your pancreas is still producing insuline to cope with the enormous level of sugar earlier. As sugar is wearing out your pancreas, that slow motion momentum is becoming slower and slower over time.
...And that's when the addiction kicks in... as your insulinelevel is still sky high, due to the earlier high levels of sugar, that triggers some other system in your body to level out the insuline... and that is the need for sugar.
So all in all, your bloodsugarlevels & insuline are in a downwards spiral, triggering eachother...
A lot of people don't even know how depend they are on sugar, but you should really try it for yourself. Try not to eat any sugar (soda's, candy etc) for two weeks. You will probably start to notice that the first week you'll become aggrevated pretty easy... moodswings. You see the same with junkies trying to score.
The good part is that you will sleep better, lose weight, sweat less and overall will be a happier person, less depressed. AND you'll probably won't develope diabetes. Diabetes is a worn out pancreas. (there are different types of diabetes, i know but it all comes down to the balance of sugar & insuline in your blood)
Addicted to sugar comes with all the side-effects that addiction has: moodswings, denial of habit, cold turkey, aggression. But in the end, you will get & feel better, once you have accepted that you are controlled by sugar.
You do however need a little sugar for the transportation of oxygen in your blood, but a normal eating patern will provide plenty. Diabetes patients sometimes have to get some bodyparts amputated due to the lack of oxygen that the blood is not capable of transporting anymore to the very ends of the bloodvessels. (google some pictures diabetes+amputation that will make you reconsider your soda & candy addiction)
As for eating loads and loads of food: Your stomach is very flexible and can stretch a lot. Filling up your stomach every day, stretches it further and further. With that, the trigger from your stomach to your brain that says - I am full - slows down in the same rate. Getting the stomach back in the right proportion takes a few days.
If you eat heavily, you'll notice that the next day you get hungrier earlier than the day before. That is that stomach that is still stretched out, and that signal to your brain that hasn't arived yet because your stomach is stretched and thus not full. Everybody knows that after being sick for a few days, you won't eat as much as before. You start with something small. That means your stomach finally had the chance to get back in normal proportion.
The signal - full- from stomach to brain takes about 10~20 minutes. That time is the reason people overeat or feel bloated after a heavy dinner. You where stuffing yourself even when you where already full for the last 10~20 minutes of your meal.
What a lot of people don't know, is that sugar is addictive. It goes the same for coffee and sigarettes. If you need coffee or sigarettes everyday to keep you going, that means you are addicted to caffeine or nicotine. If you are craving for sweets... that means your pancreas is having a hard time keeping your bloodsugarlevel in balance.
If you eat sugar, your bloodsugarlevel shoots up, and your pancreas reacts in a slow motion momentum by producing insuline to cope with that. So even when the sugar is already out of your blood, your pancreas is still producing insuline to cope with the enormous level of sugar earlier. As sugar is wearing out your pancreas, that slow motion momentum is becoming slower and slower over time.
...And that's when the addiction kicks in... as your insulinelevel is still sky high, due to the earlier high levels of sugar, that triggers some other system in your body to level out the insuline... and that is the need for sugar.
So all in all, your bloodsugarlevels & insuline are in a downwards spiral, triggering eachother...
A lot of people don't even know how depend they are on sugar, but you should really try it for yourself. Try not to eat any sugar (soda's, candy etc) for two weeks. You will probably start to notice that the first week you'll become aggrevated pretty easy... moodswings. You see the same with junkies trying to score.
The good part is that you will sleep better, lose weight, sweat less and overall will be a happier person, less depressed. AND you'll probably won't develope diabetes. Diabetes is a worn out pancreas. (there are different types of diabetes, i know but it all comes down to the balance of sugar & insuline in your blood)
Addicted to sugar comes with all the side-effects that addiction has: moodswings, denial of habit, cold turkey, aggression. But in the end, you will get & feel better, once you have accepted that you are controlled by sugar.
You do however need a little sugar for the transportation of oxygen in your blood, but a normal eating patern will provide plenty. Diabetes patients sometimes have to get some bodyparts amputated due to the lack of oxygen that the blood is not capable of transporting anymore to the very ends of the bloodvessels. (google some pictures diabetes+amputation that will make you reconsider your soda & candy addiction)
As for eating loads and loads of food: Your stomach is very flexible and can stretch a lot. Filling up your stomach every day, stretches it further and further. With that, the trigger from your stomach to your brain that says - I am full - slows down in the same rate. Getting the stomach back in the right proportion takes a few days.
If you eat heavily, you'll notice that the next day you get hungrier earlier than the day before. That is that stomach that is still stretched out, and that signal to your brain that hasn't arived yet because your stomach is stretched and thus not full. Everybody knows that after being sick for a few days, you won't eat as much as before. You start with something small. That means your stomach finally had the chance to get back in normal proportion.
The signal - full- from stomach to brain takes about 10~20 minutes. That time is the reason people overeat or feel bloated after a heavy dinner. You where stuffing yourself even when you where already full for the last 10~20 minutes of your meal.
May 4, 09:03 AM
It really doesn't make sense to me that Apple is changing the time frame of when the iPhone 5 will be released!
If anything they might release the product in September but they HAVE to announce it at WWDC just for a simple little reason: THE IPHONE IS APPLE'S BIGGEST SELLING PRODUCT AND WWDC IS APPLE'S LARGEST EVENT!
How would they not announce it then?
If anything they might release the product in September but they HAVE to announce it at WWDC just for a simple little reason: THE IPHONE IS APPLE'S BIGGEST SELLING PRODUCT AND WWDC IS APPLE'S LARGEST EVENT!
How would they not announce it then?
Apr 24, 02:54 PM
There are people who think ignorance is acceptable. :rolleyes:
Ignorance is bliss. :rolleyes:
Ignorance is bliss. :rolleyes:
Apr 5, 06:42 AM
Great shot and sky. The exposure is right on the ball for the sky and the silhouetted trees add drama to the scene.
I'm usually not a big fan of bird shots involving human accessories, such as the table and chairs, but this one is just stunning. You exposed the bird perfectly as there are tons of details in the feathers, and the color separation from the background makes the bird standout.
Another great shot, and cute little girl. I love the vignetting around the framing as it draws my eyes towards the girl. Maybe lowering yourself a bit to be at her eye level would also make a good picture ?
Great shot and sky. The exposure is right on the ball for the sky and the silhouetted trees add drama to the scene.
I'm usually not a big fan of bird shots involving human accessories, such as the table and chairs, but this one is just stunning. You exposed the bird perfectly as there are tons of details in the feathers, and the color separation from the background makes the bird standout.
Another great shot, and cute little girl. I love the vignetting around the framing as it draws my eyes towards the girl. Maybe lowering yourself a bit to be at her eye level would also make a good picture ?

Oct 21, 12:57 AM
New bike and a smartphone of some sort; haven't decided on an OS yet although I'm leaning towards the iPhone.
Apr 24, 01:40 PM
Apple Testing iPhone for T-Mobile USA
Is this some sort of surprise? Apple has tens of billions of dollars in cash. Why would they not be testing iphones for all known carriers, even if they couldn't go to market with it at this time? The only surprise here would be if Apple were not testing an iPhone for T-Mobile.
Is this some sort of surprise? Apple has tens of billions of dollars in cash. Why would they not be testing iphones for all known carriers, even if they couldn't go to market with it at this time? The only surprise here would be if Apple were not testing an iPhone for T-Mobile.
Jan 26, 09:13 AM
Ha sound like me...typical college student. I've been selling stuff and have returned about 4 things in the past week because they all sucked!
Agreed. I had some cash left over and been meaning to look into remote earbuds since my stock apple ones died and I didn't want to purchase those again. Fell into the marketing scheme a little bit by the Dre's, but I wanted buds that wrapped around the ears since in ears are difficult for me to keep steady.
Found some Phillips for $50, so I'm going to get my $162 back in a few hours.
Agreed. I had some cash left over and been meaning to look into remote earbuds since my stock apple ones died and I didn't want to purchase those again. Fell into the marketing scheme a little bit by the Dre's, but I wanted buds that wrapped around the ears since in ears are difficult for me to keep steady.
Found some Phillips for $50, so I'm going to get my $162 back in a few hours.
Apr 27, 04:28 PM
Tuesday was yesterday. QUICK! Create a new thread saying that the new iMacs will be here NEXT TUESDAY!
I'm shaking so hard from excitement after convincing myself this was true, I CAN'T TYPE!!
I'm shaking so hard from excitement after convincing myself this was true, I CAN'T TYPE!!
Jan 30, 10:18 AM
Walked to the mall while snowed in the other day and did a bit of shopping.
Some cheap jewelry at Laila Rowe.
Hit up H&M. Casual and business. I really love the jacket... pic doesn't do it justice.
New kicks at vans
The best coffee Starbucks makes by far, which is quite delicious.
Placed an order for some more work polos at AE to use my gift card. I mean, let's face it, if you can wear polos at work, it beats the hell out of oxfords.
And this brush at Sephora. I was going to get a new eye shadow shade, but I couldn't see spending $60 on two items since brushes are so expensive.
Some cheap jewelry at Laila Rowe.
Hit up H&M. Casual and business. I really love the jacket... pic doesn't do it justice.
New kicks at vans
The best coffee Starbucks makes by far, which is quite delicious.
Placed an order for some more work polos at AE to use my gift card. I mean, let's face it, if you can wear polos at work, it beats the hell out of oxfords.
And this brush at Sephora. I was going to get a new eye shadow shade, but I couldn't see spending $60 on two items since brushes are so expensive.
May 4, 11:59 AM
Good news to be honest. It'll give me more time to get a job and get some money together. :)
Mar 31, 11:58 AM
Someone mentioned the Windows 3.1 calendar?
Aug 18, 07:50 AM
What's the next logical step in a computer interface? I used to say "Computer, show me the money" to open Quicken back in pre-OS X days. More of a gimmick than anything else, but imagine if the Finder and maybe even other apps became "speakable."
Me: "Check mail"
Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"
Me: "No, thanks."
(clicks on an email, reads message)
Me: "Reply to this message"
Computer: "Type or speak?
Me: "Type"
Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."
Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"
Me: "One from the birthday party last week."
Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"
Me: "Yes, that will be fine."
Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.
Me: "Send the email"
Me: "...and order me a pizza."
This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.
You watch too much Star Trek. It's still a computer, not a digital house servant. Although..... that would be pretty cool. "Computer, go make me a sandwich."
Me: "Check mail"
Computer: "You have nine new messages. Would you like me to read them?"
Me: "No, thanks."
(clicks on an email, reads message)
Me: "Reply to this message"
Computer: "Type or speak?
Me: "Type"
Me: "Computer, I'd like to add a photo of the kids to this email."
Computer: "iphoto has 6,813 pictures of the kids, which one would you like?"
Me: "One from the birthday party last week."
Computer: (a strip from iphoto appears) "Here are 23 from last week. I've highlighted the one where your wife fixed the red eye. Is that the one you want?"
Me: "Yes, that will be fine."
Computer adds the picture to stationery in the email, other pictures go away.
Me: "Send the email"
Me: "...and order me a pizza."
This kind of thing can't be too far off. A 75 mhz Performa could do it in a rudimentary way. Imagine what a modern Mac may be able to do. "Speakeasy" has a nice ring to it.
You watch too much Star Trek. It's still a computer, not a digital house servant. Although..... that would be pretty cool. "Computer, go make me a sandwich."
Mar 31, 10:37 AM
I'm not a fan of this "literal graphics" fad at Apple... It's not a real calendar, it's not a real address book, and virtual ones can be better, have more functions and uses, be a completely different tool from the real ones... So why should they look the same?? Specially when people are already educated to use the software as it was...
Oct 23, 02:28 PM
How would an operating system KNOW it is being run in virtualization? It cannot determine the difference from a real computer. We are talking about Vista like it is an artificial intelligence of some kind.
I suppose that depends on how you define artifical intelligence... Anyway, to answer your point, Vista can determine if you are running the software in a virtual environment. Virtualization requires the OS to be embedded in further software, and that software has distinct signitures that can be pulled out by the OS. It might be possible to add patches to prevent Vista from seeing those signatures, but who knows.
On another front, if MS were wise, they would take some advice from Apple's iTunes and use a deactivation feature. This would prevent a huge stress on their phone support and tremendously add to user happiness. If there ever became an issue with Windows, or someone needed to upgrade, then they could go ahead and deactivate that copy of windows or deauthorize the account (through safe mode in the case of OS problems). Then, the software could be reinstalled without worry and reactivated.
I suppose that depends on how you define artifical intelligence... Anyway, to answer your point, Vista can determine if you are running the software in a virtual environment. Virtualization requires the OS to be embedded in further software, and that software has distinct signitures that can be pulled out by the OS. It might be possible to add patches to prevent Vista from seeing those signatures, but who knows.
On another front, if MS were wise, they would take some advice from Apple's iTunes and use a deactivation feature. This would prevent a huge stress on their phone support and tremendously add to user happiness. If there ever became an issue with Windows, or someone needed to upgrade, then they could go ahead and deactivate that copy of windows or deauthorize the account (through safe mode in the case of OS problems). Then, the software could be reinstalled without worry and reactivated.
Mar 16, 09:14 AM
Good luck to the SCP people.
Still waiting at Brea to find out if I'm the third biggest chump here for waking up as early as I did, or if I'm "winning" to plagiarise from Jedi-master Sheen
Still waiting at Brea to find out if I'm the third biggest chump here for waking up as early as I did, or if I'm "winning" to plagiarise from Jedi-master Sheen
Apr 9, 01:03 PM
Awesome! It's great to have you back contributing to the POTD. I always look forward to your photos
Thank you. It's good to be back where people say "awesome"... :)
Thank you. It's good to be back where people say "awesome"... :)
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